Rostek Christmas Letter 2020

On the doorstep of Christmas I almost forgot to write our annual Christmas Letter.  That’s what kind of year it’s been.  The tree is up, with gifts beneath and the excitement of children’s anticipation is bouncing off the walls.  And yet, with less external fanfare due to Covid restrictions, it’s felt like the day isn’t actually going to come.  LOL.  But yesterday the snow fell and fell and fell some more.  Snow right before Christmas is beautiful anywhere, here in the Fraser Valley it is absolutely magical.       

Now as I sit to actually write this letter which seemingly has little to say since there were no big trips this year and occasions were rather muted, I’m reminded of Brene Brown’s statement: The most joy is found in ordinary moments.  Ordinary, simple, muted, moments.  There were lots of those this year!  With an abundance of this sort of joy in my heart, I am SO  grateful for SO much.

Another year. WOW! (Pause here to let me wipe my weepy eyes).
Healthy children growing older.
I’m alive to witness this all, with my loving husband by my side.

I just listened to the hymn How Great Thou Art.  Perhaps you want to listen too, as you read along joining our family in the ordinary moments of this past year. “I scarce can take it in” how blessed we are.  




In February our dear friends Brad and Ashley (& kids) visited us.  It was fun to explore our local area for 3 days together including a trip to Science World and Flood Falls.

Next up was Rayna’s 8th birthday in March.  We excitedly made all the preparations arranging a tea party birthday party for her and several friends.  She attended 2 birthday parties the weekend before hers, then as the week progressed it became clear: she would not be able to have this birthday party.  This was a disappointment and a birthday to be remembered for all the wrong reasons!  Regardless, she has grown into a very responsible and mature eight year old.  She adores reading and devours hundreds of pages a week!  Piano is not the same story; she “hates” it, but her hard work is paying off and she is progressing beautifully!

Also this spring was Ryan’s 40th birthday!!!!!! Though we didn’t get to celebrate in Vegas as planned, and the actual day was without much fanfare Ryan’s brother organized a belated surprise party at Cultus Lake with family and a couple friends in summer.

Spring was filled with numerous neighborhood walks and trips to the schoolyard field amidst homeschooling Rayna.  Thankfully, in summer playgrounds opened; we spent much time across the street at our splash park.  Cultus Lake was also a favorite- the only place we could go to swim since pools were closed!  Though our roadtrip to Saskatchewan was cancelled, a huge summer highlight was days at the Waterslides and Cultus Lake Adventure Park rides.

Fall brought: SCHOOL!!!!! (so thankful they were opened again!) Garrett and Allison started Kindergarten and LOVE it!  (Rayna also loves school!)  It is strange and delightful to have 2 five year olds in our home (they’re growing up so fast!)  To celebrate their 5th birthdays in October we spent a night alongside extended family at Harrison Hot Springs Resort.  Given restrictions, it was an absolute perfect way to celebrate and they loved the pools!!!!   

With the kids in school I’ve had some free time again and have made tremendous progress on writing my memoir and beginning to plan for editing, publishing and marketing it.  This has been fun, scary, exciting and a lot of work!  Ryan’s was able to continue working all throughout the pandemic, which is great.  Playing pickleball’s a different story and has been sorely missed in spring and now again with Covid restrictions.     

As we press into Christmas Day and the New Year I tune my heart to the Wonder of the Season.  I hold this year’s memories and these upcoming Christmas morning moments with a sentimental, soft and gracious heart.  This is what it’s all about!  Love received from the Source of all love, whom we celebrate on Christmas- Jesus himself! And love shared between family.  It just doesn’t get any better than this!


From our family to yours
Merry Christmas!

XOXO Love,
The Rosteks
Ryan & Cheryl, Rayna (8 years old), Garrett and Allison (5 years old)


Ps. I acknowledge that Christmas highlights grief for many people – love lost.  I’ve been thinking about this lately: that you cannot have grief without love.  If loving in the context of Christmas this year is filled with grief, may an extra measure of grace be with you. XO