I found this flower growing in the sidewalk absolutely striking. Rayna and I happened upon it on our way to school ❤️. Thought this image fits this post quite well.
GRATITUDE is a humble powerhouse welcome into my life with open arms.
When life is crushing. When the good is still exhausting and the bad is so very close to unbearable. Unbearable in more than the flippant way we use the word. Unbearable in the oppressive, suffocating, dark, a feat to get of bed and press forward then hard to put one foot in front of the other kind of way. Unbearable.
In these moments I choose gratitude. It’s the only way for me to keep pressing forward. It’s the only way for me to war against the crushing exhaustion. It’s the only way for me to believe that the world needs my touch and is better with it.
As I choose gratitude calmness and beauty invade my life and my perspective shifts. In these sort of moments i am beginning to find the healing sort of grace that empowers me to believe that not only can I get out of bed, not only can I keep putting one foot in front of the other, but that I can soar. In moments of gratitude dreams that are wee saplings put down deep roots and begin growing and growing and growing. In moments of gratitude I find inspiration, I find wisdom, I find hope, I find joy, and I find freedom from the crushing weight of life.