My heart has come full circle today.

Yesterday I was so deeply impressed with the preciousness of life, in particular with the miracle of the birth of a new life, of a child. This idea of preciousness is innate and yet it has taken root inside me in ways I cannot adequately put words to.

It has been a season of our own loss of a baby and the subsequent season of waiting for a healthy pregnancy and a child to hold in our arms. However we are not alone. It also has been a season of sharing in so many other journeys of women and families, losing the baby they have already grown to love, of women and families longing for the birth of a child. I suppose as one watches that life slip away and as one waits for that life to be given it creates time to reflect on what it means to wait for the arrival of a child into one’s life. I have come to truly acknowledge that the blessing of my children will be from my Lord alone, the giver of both life and abundant, fulfilling life. And as I wait, I hear God’s quiet voice speaking to me, telling me how beautiful a gift it will be when I hold my child in my arms. And as I wait for a child I am growing to love that child; I feel my parent-heart growing within me, a heart so full of passionate love and protection that all I can do is pray because I feel so helpless to do all I want to for my child.

It is in my prayer for my children that I feel such a thankfulness for my ancestors. I am thankful for my parents who were diligent in guiding me to know God. I am thankful for their passion for the Lord. I am thankful for my grandparents whose teachings through their characters still live on deeply in my heart. And for Mrs. Peters who was a friend like no other (how wonderful to have a 80 year old friend when you’re a teenager). I thank you God for Ryan’s parents and grandparents that have become my own. I want their stories to live on, because their stories long for children to love You. Bless the godly faithfulness of our grandparents in the lives of our children and their children and beyond. May I honor my parents and grandparents by teaching my children well. I thank you God for the gentle faith of my Grandma Elias, for the bold faith of my Grandma Krahn, for the meek faith of my Grandpa Krahn, for the diligent faith of my Grandpa Elias, for the generous faith of Mrs. Peters. I thank you for the tender faith of my father and the devout faith of my mother.

From grandchild and child, to hopeful parent and future grand-parent. My heart has come full circle today.