It is truly a privilege to be able to sit and write today. It seems lately that as each day passes I cherish moments ever more deeply. I love writing. It doesn’t always come easy; but I cherish this moment as I press in to share the abundance of what’s been going on in my heart.
I had planned to sit and blog out my summer experiences (which I hope time allows yet today); but it feels that what God has spoken to me this morning must first be recorded and declared.
My words are rooted in Nehemiah, where I’ve been reading the last few days. A quick background. Nehemiah was working in the King’s court in Persia as a cup bearer. It saddened him deeply to know that “the city where my ancestors are buried is in ruins, and the gates have been burned down.” (2:2) He used his position to request and be granted time off work to rebuild the temple as well as for the requirements for safe travels by the king’s authority. As such, he set off, arrived in Jerusalem intending to lead the rebuilding of the wall. However, there were others not so happy about his plan to rebuild; so, quietly they were preparing an attack on Nehemiah’s efforts. Nehemiah’s response was this:
“Don’t be afraid of our enemies. Remember how great and awesome the Lord is, and fight for your relatives, your children, your spouses, your friends and your homes….Our God will fight for us.” (4:14 , combination of a few versions, vs 4:20)
As I read this, this is what I heard:
”Cheryl, do not be afraid of your enemy cancer. Remember how mighty the Lord is, great and awesome. And then FIGHT! Fight for life, fight for the sake of your husband, your children, your family, your friends. And remember, you are not alone. God is in this battle fighting for you!”
”Cheryl, do not be afraid of your enemy cancer. Remember how mighty the Lord is, great and awesome. And then FIGHT! Fight for life, fight for the sake of your husband, your children, your family, your friends. And remember, you are not alone. God is in this battle fighting for you!”
An hour later as I was walking home from dropping Rayna off at school I was reminded of theses verses and God spoke further:
“Keep your chin up
Stay in the battle
I’m clearing a path for you.”
In my minds eye I saw it, the mighty warriors (angels or God or whatever supernatural warriors God uses) on all sides of me in a physical combat battle pushing back the enemy in front of me and beside me to clear a path for me so I can keep moving forwards. The enemy in this image is densely surrounding me as far as my eyes can see, except in those few feet between me and God’s warriors. But in this all, I am confident that the mighty warriors are stronger and that they are able to keep steadily pushing back the enemy.
Note here, that though God is doing the hard work, I still need to be an active participant trusting and walking forward. Though the enemy line is mere feet in front of me, I walk trusting that God’s got this, that the path will continue to cleared in front of me.
My job: keep stepping forward, one foot in front of the other. And thank God with endless praise for fighting for me!
Your enemy may not be cancer; but this life is a battlefield. This life is a battlefield for everyone! That’s why God’s given us his armor if we only choose to put it on. I pray you will. And I pray that you’ll keep your chin up, you’ll stay in the battle and you’ll trust in our Mighty God to clear a path for you. Because remember who we are fighting for. We are fighting for our children, our spouses, our family, our friends, our homes, our cities!!! This is a battle worth fighting for!!! Praise God, He’s in it with us, to Him be the glory!!!