Run with perseverance
Cheryl Rostek2019-05-31T18:57:00-07:00We don't get to choose our race, but we do get to choose how we will run it. As for me, I will run with perseverance!Whatever race you've been given, cancer-laden or otherwise, won't you
We don't get to choose our race, but we do get to choose how we will run it. As for me, I will run with perseverance!Whatever race you've been given, cancer-laden or otherwise, won't you
I read this article that my friend who has cancer posted. It resonated so much with me I had to repost it Read it here .My commentary, from personal experience, about the article:My family was complete
I found this flower growing in the sidewalk absolutely striking. Rayna and I happened upon it on our way to school ❤️. Thought this image fits this post quite well.GRATITUDE is a humble powerhouse welcome
Today is Mothers Day and my heart is a bouquet of gratitude. Here are glimpses of that bouquet.(My mom and I at Chilliwack Lake last week)I am grateful to be a mom. I remember the
I've been learning alot about dandelions over the past few years. I've also been (slowly) learning about grace over the past few months. Isn't grace seeing weeds as a beautiful sunny bouquet? I think so.