Sept. 7 Gratitude: Raspberries


<<September 7 Gratitude>> Raspberries..My husband Ryan picked up some local raspberries last night. I love how fall is so much longer in the Fraser Valley (compared to the prairies where I grew up) and that

Sept. 7 Gratitude: Raspberries2019-09-19T19:59:31-07:00

September Gratitudes


<<September Gratitude>> September is very likely my favorite month for many reasons that are bursting inside of me.  I have a precious friend willing to journey me in daily September gratitude, even though September is

September Gratitudes2019-09-19T19:59:36-07:00



<Home.> As I journey "home" I find again what thrills my soul..This picture is my charmingly beautiful hometown creek in Southern Saskatchewan. I snapped this shot when I was out for a run while visiting my

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