I have been very tired the last week.  I had to learn how to rest LOTS in order to feel good this week; but, with pacing myself (and going to bed right after the kids!) and keeping activities spaced I have had a lovely Christmas.  It was so wonderful to see all three kids fully loving Christmas!!!  And today I have been blessed with a surprise abundance of energy!  Last week mild headaches and vision changes started (similar to before my tumor removal).  If these increase I may have to go on steroids (most brain cancer patients are on steroids post-op or during treatment, so I have done well!), but it is my goal to stay off them.  (I do not want the sleep issues and mood and metabolic changes they bring with them).  So I have been emphasizing rest and it seems to have paid off well.

That said, I have been thinking more about my “self-care”.  I want to find weekly space to really delve into writing more (legacy pieces and maybe finish the novel I started years ago?!).  I dream of a place to retreat (since our place is too small to escape the noise of our family and my bedtime has been very early). My dream is a place at Cultus Lake, but really any quiet zone in Chilliwack, Cultus Lake or Abbotsford with a private space with a place to relax (ie. couch or bed) and a table or desk to write at would be wonderful.  I am exploring monthly spiritual mini-retreats, but do long for weekly solitude. 

So I will ask: does anyone have a space they are not using once a week, during the weekday daytime that they are willing for me to retreat to?

Blessings of Christmas:
–  The joy of our children and of spending time with extended family, both in person and via video chat
–  Playing in the snow and getting the twins outside and seeing them love it!!! (They kinda got a bit cooped-up when the weather turned cold and I started getting more tired a couple weeks ago, so this was refreshing)

Prayer Items
– For a suitable “retreat-zone” to come my way
– Thankfulness that I only have 8 more radiation treatments left!
– The twins have colds again, so far they are still sleeping through the night – pray this continues and that I continue to avoid the colds (I’m tired enough without getting a cold!)

Thank you for the messages I have received.  As I get more tired, it is difficult to always reply.  Please know that if I haven’t replied, that I have still deeply appreciated your messages.  I am certain I do not even know the amount of people reading my blog; but, I thank you for journeying with me.  Also, I feel so surrounded by love and support when I voice a need and it abundantly gets met. Thank you!