Okay folks, this post’s choppy.  It’s like a list. It’s bits and pieces. It’s real-life gratitude and a presentation of beautiful humanity.
When I first sat down to finally get to writing out my list of thanks, I was floored.  It quickly became apparent that taking tally wasn’t going to be a simple task.  Look at this list!!! It’s astounding the community that has surrounded us.  We are humbled, blessed and pour out a prayer of blessing on each and every one of you.  To each of you, and those I have undoubtly forgotten to write here: your words of encouragement, your gifts, your visits, your helping hands, your meals provided, your prayers, these mean so very much to the health of myself and our family.  Simply saying “thank you” feels much too inadequate; but I do not want my appreciation to be unheard.  So, thank you, each and everyone, thank you!  (Note: I almost didn’t want to publish this list as I know it incomplete; so please understand my unwritten thanks to those not on this list who have helped us)
Stefanie (Our nanny).  I am speechless.  You mean so much to our family.  And your presence in our home is refreshing in so many ways.  You are a testimony of God’s provision to us.
First Ave Church.  – We love you
Central Community Church We love you
The Harders  –  Your home is a breath of fresh air in my week.  Your hospitality is unparalleled.   
Brad & Ashley Mckinnon – Dear friends. I’m wrapped in your hug right now Ashley. Your messages after I post a blog mean so much to me.
Bud & Sarah – You are some of the “realest” people around.  It doesn’t seem like years, nor miles since our paths have last crossed.
Danielle Richard – I sure appreciated our walks and talks. And that you brought us dinner – that means a lot (wink).
Carlene and Scott McVetty – food, helping hands, willingness and availability are just the start.  Carlene, when my legacy project seemed insurmountable, you blessed my heart so very richly.
Crossroads Family Practice: This doctor’s office is indescribable. I am blown away with gratitude by their generosity.  Firstly to all the GPs  – thank you for hiring Elevated Meals for our family —  WOW!  I’m particularly so grateful for Dr. Ross for taking concern of ALL aspects of my health. Then there’s Pippa, oh Pippa! And the meals from Pippa, Chris and Michelle! .  But there’s more —  this whole office is simply the best, MOAs you make a HUGE difference in a person’s medical experience.  You have always made mine lovely and now when cancer hit its just that much more apparent! Thank you Crossroads MOAs!!!.
Paul & Joni Graham
My soccer team members for the meals, flowers, cards peri-operatively: Sarah, Megan, Amber and whoever I’m forgetting
Stefanie Hampson – I met you once and what followed was an outpouring of food help.
Jenn Penner – you were the first one to declare true HOPE into my diagnosis, I am forever grateful!
Janie Vanderveen
Deb Bowmer
Christina Savage
Baptist Community Church
Bridgeway Community Church
Ken & Heidi Franz – thank you for the support to explore a new diet (Heidi) and for being the ‘someone I can call’ — like for my car not starting, when I’m in Abbotsford for appointments (Ken)
Ev & Henry Remple – Thank you, thank you for letting us use your space
Ken & Mandy Witt
Rebekah Williams
Pam Engel
Grandma Sara
Jenneke Franke – what would we have done without you when I was recovering from surgery!!!  And that you brought us Stefanie, we are ever-grateful.
The Charltons (Your helping hands came at one of our most needed times)
Anna Wheeler – I’d love for CharleeDee to be praised for the “chemo beanies” I wear all the time!!! And your food help was an outpouring.
Kim Plesman
Kara Humphries –
Ginny Klassen
Julie Massie
Dot Berg
Carmen’s aunt Jeanie
Linda Gillard – who created an inspiring quilt for me
Marianne, my neighbor down the hall – thank you for showing me extravagant beauty
Rod and Karla Garcia – neighbors in the truest sense of the word
Amy Mackay – Thank you for your Thursday prayers, they mean so much
Andrew Krahn – your prayer pre-op meant so VERY much to me
Amy Krahn – Our 36 hours together felt like WAY more, you’re special that way.
Gaglardi Family – Your Easter basket created an Easter cookie decorating experience that meant so much to me
Sarah Bruneski
Naomi Orrell  –
Haley Berger – Thank you comrade for giving me the courage to don my buzzed head
Hugginz by Angel and Mary who connected us with her
Kelly Kallevig
Shawna Vickerman –
Pam Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Ben Prangnell – you guys are such special people, thank you for visiting and everything that meant, especially to Ryan
Shareen Harder
Misty Bedwell –  Graciously I am thankful for you fostering my daughter’s artist heart….and my own in the process.
Elevated Meals – for providing a discounted rate to the GPs who hired their service for us
My Unspoken Blog Followers & Prayer supporters
Ryan’s pickleball cronies.  Thanks for loving pickleball and keeping my husband sane so he can, well, stay sane!