With a thankful heart and an able body I stepped onto the soccer field again today! Similarly, going waterskiing on vacation felt profoundly good. Over the last few months I have become so aware of how thankful I continually am for my body, for all it has done for me and all it continues to do for me.  My body is amazing. It has birthed 3 children, 2 of those at the ‘same’ time. I fed the children almost exclusively from my body for their first 6 months! How incredible is that. I am committed to always speaking kindly of my body, for it is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe! My body tells a beautiful story and it is beautifully strong. My varicose veins used to bother me, now I say, who cares, I’m alive! Thank you body for all you continue to do for me! Furthermore, with a background in biochemistry I marvel at all the intricacies keeping me alive.

 Here’s a picture of the best date ever- waterskiing in the evening on a glassy Lake at Camp Oshkidee.

PS. For those curious – more updates about our fantastic trip to come soon!