
Today feels like summer in Chilliwack BC!!! Last week it was unusually snowy, this week is unusually summery.  Nothing like sunshine to brighten the day and brighten people's spirits! It is so evident! As I

SUNSHINE 🌞2019-03-19T22:41:00-07:00

Joy Is


Here in the Fraser Valley, BC it is extremely late for a snowfall in March.  It is unusual and yet beautifully delightful for the poet in me. The flakes are huge, gorgeous and romantic. (My

Joy Is2019-03-12T19:09:00-07:00

Update and vacation pics


It feels like its been a long time since I’ve just been here writing an “update”.  I miss this place.  I love to write.  It’s my happy space where I can process, share, hopefully encourage,

Update and vacation pics2019-03-05T19:53:00-08:00
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