Ps by “with” I mean immersed in Brene’s writing. By “afternoon” I mean 10 minutes—they were absolutely splendid 😊
I’ve always loved reading to this girl, it was one of my first motherhood delights. Now I get to read alongside her!!!  This was a very sweet moment today while her little brother and sister played at the park. Bless this girl and bless this momma’s heart.
Here’s a powerful snippet I read today from Brene Brown’s “Dare to Lead”:
“‘the courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.”
These words are fitting as tomorrow morning I will show up at my oncologist’s office- optimistic, confidently hopeful for good news, but- oh so vulnerable as I wait for him to voice my MRI results.  This is what courage looks like in my life today. How about yours?  I’d truly love to hear your stories.


One more pic because I love this girl so much ❤️