19 years with this man. incredible! Believing for another 19 years of adventure.
One of the things I love about my husband is that he keeps me moving forward. Because one of the worst things that can happen in life is becoming STUCK.
To combat anxiety I’ve been practicing embracing the present moment as it is, not how I wish it were, while at the same time holding firm my sense of autonomy. This is a living paradox; a tension of life (which can be the sweetest spot).
I strive to live the Serenity Prayer: Accept what I cannot change, Courageously change the things I can and have the Wisdom to know the difference.
The Stockdale Paradox has rescued me several times: discipline to confront the brutal facts of my current reality while maintaining an unwavering faith that I will prevail in the end.
Accepting and stretching. Believing for the impossible. Committing to never get stuck.
I can do this and so can you!
Who’s with me?