Some random thoughts from today

Before MRI

I’ve been on a spiritual journey lately (well, okay, always, but it’s more fruitful and pointed lately) and I feel like I’m touching the cloak of the Divine.

Small thinking will keep me small.

In choosing to think big and bold, I am expanding my capacity for Life. It can be scary to think this way and many parts of me want to run back to the security I know, to run back to “then”, to old ways.

However, truth of the matter is – security is an illusion. Everything is always changing. I am always changing. The science of Neuroplasticity reveals that every conversation, every experience rewires my brain bit by bit. I will be a different version of myself by the time I finish writing this post.

Stop for a moment. Think: Do I want to be the same as I was “then”? Disconnected from my soul? Slave to the hustle? 

I’ve been given wings so I don’t have to run back to my old life. I can SOAR.


This is SCARY (but i am brave).
And, yes, often confusing (there is no road map).

Oh voice of Wisdom guide me. Hold me. Oh hold me. And please God heal me. I welcome you to heal me. (1)

This is my REMAKING




After MRI

Dare I say that I enjoyed my MRI today? (not the drive there, I could have done without that)

During my MRI I practiced mindfulness, tuning in to how each area of my body felt and actively relaxing each part. I practiced positive self-talk, reminding myself of my courage and capacity. I pretended I was in a Floatation Therapy bath (it was nice, maybe I should try the real thing sometime). And I prayerfully visualized my brain healing.

I can’t believe how quickly my MRI went, I wasn’t quite ready to leave and walked out of there very chipper and relaxed. “Have a great day!” I earnestly remarked to the technician, flashing her a bright smile.   

Today is a good day!


PS. I’ve edited the first three chapters of my memoir and I’m getting giddy; being a writer is so much fun (and hard work)! Now, I’m going to take the rest of the summer off to ENJOY LIFE. Catch you on the flipside 🙂



  1. I’ve been practicing Welcoming Prayer. “Welcome” is an expression of releasing my concerns to God. As discussed in The Contemplative Life Program by Contemplative Outreach.     
  2. I’ve been feeling very liberated lately subsequent to seeing my spiritual director, practicing welcoming/centering prayer and reading The Liberation of Sophia by David Hayward aka @nakedpastor