I’m unsettled this morning, waiting for my afternoon oncologist appointment.
Don’t tell me I shouldn’t be terrified of hearing my MRI results today. I am terrified.
I’ve been making granola for an hour but I just can’t seem to focus; so far all I’ve done is measure oats into the bowl.
I’m a crumpling weepy mess and at the same time I’m burying myself in busyness. I have to hold my tongue because I know snippy words are just beneath the surface- rooted in my internal (and often subconscious) banter.
I am terrified because fear is normal.
It’s okay to feel afraid.
Hi, fear.
Deep breath
I am brave. Let me say that again so I believe it. I am brave.
Hi, courage.
Today I look fear in the eyes and say, step aside, I have a life to live.
Regardless, I feel humbled. Glioblastoma, brain cancer has a way of doing that- showing my humbled humanness.
Hi, humbled human.
My favorite scripture this past year says the humbled will see the kingdom of heaven. I need some kingdom of heaven in my life today.
So I raise my chin and speak:
Hi, kingdom of heaven, please show yourself to me today.
As the piano bangs in the background with two five year old belting out indecipherable words I notice the blankets and books and stuffies scattering my living room floor and I’m distracted by thoughts of my toilets that are starting to stink.
I wonder if maybe messes are made marvelous in moments like this- moments when it is clear that life is (very loudly) being lived.
Though my little angels’ voices are far from heavenly (see evidence on social media, lol). I think heaven on earth is this mélange: life and love and grace swirled in the messiness, right at my fingertips, right underfoot,
My heart knows this to be true when I’m still enough to listen; being humbled is okay.
Now, Please excuse me, I have some children to kiss and some granola to make.
PS. MRI Results
My MRI results, disclosed later in the day, showed no tumor growth, which means I continue to be stable and in remission! I’m living the miraculous dream: heading towards being a 5 year glioblastoma survivor this fall. A place that sadly less than 5% of glioblastoma survivors reach.
Also, apparently I missed Glioblastoma Awareness Day this week. Please, mention this disease to people you know to spread awareness!!! Little progress has been made in treatment of Glioblastoma in the past 2 decades, much more awareness and research is needed!
May August be filled with many sunny and smiling days for you and your loved ones. xo
Hi Cheryl, I am sure many of us hold our breath when you are waiting for your results. We pray, keep our fingers crossed, but have faith that you will come out alright. You have too! I believe the human spirit makes a contract before arriving in an earthly form. Everything in that contract has to be fulfilled in this lifetime. From the looks of things you have a big handful to fulfill, including representing a statistically poor outcome disease. So <5% survival rate for 5 years…no way! 100% or BUST!!! That's the only statistic you need to rely on and look forward to. It just feels to me that you will be the 100%. Best Wishes!
Judy Hooyenga
praying for good results
Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration!
Humble and Courageous and I am so happy you received good news. ❤️