This is my Camino de Santiago: Parenting. I have always wanted to do the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain . To endure the physical feats of this 600 KM foot journey and enjoy the spiritual component of this travel. It does not look like the Camino is in my upcoming travel plans. However, I have realized that this parenting thing, with a 3 year old and newborn twins, this is my Camino. Parenting really is a journey. It brings out the worst. It brings out the best. These days I have many moments for real life reflection. My days demand it. These blogs are a coping mechanism that is working well. There are the moments when I want to quit. When I truly would walk away if there was a good way to do so. There are moments when I feel like I am making progress and that is rewarding. There are moments when I stand still in the beauty of my children. There are moments where I want to cry. There are moments where I feel blessed. There are so many moments when I just don’t know what to do. In all of this, two things I know. Firstly, that my God promised He would never give us more than we can handle in His strength. Secondly, I will not be unchanged by raising my children.
And so in this journey, this slow, arduous Camino, I seek and strive to ensure the change that parenting creates in me will be positive and beautiful.
Love these thoughts, Cheryl!