Update – Jan 26, 2017


I am tired.  I feel like over the last few months I have come to know so many different types of tired.  Right now, I feel like I am so very tired, but at least

Update – Jan 26, 20172017-01-26T20:56:00-08:00



Today is supposed to be my retreat day.  But, our nanny is sick.  Garrett is particularly cranky today, and chose to start the day at 5:20.  So, I quickly formulated a coping plan this morning,


Update Jan 12, 2017


What’s new? Well I’m feeling pretty good….if I go to bed shortly after the kids.  The twins just seem to have rounded somewhat of a corner…hopefully!  Over the holidays and the past few weeks they

Update Jan 12, 20172017-01-12T23:48:00-08:00



Fear.  Paralyzing fear. Because that is what fear does best: paralyze.  This fear felt new as it bullied it’s ugly way into our family this past week.  Instead of gladness for my radiation treatments wrapping


The “bad and the ugly” of my diagnosis


I have come to a space where there is quiet.  True quiet.  I have not had the luxury of quiet in my life.  It brings me to tears.  Out rushes all the disappointment, all the

The “bad and the ugly” of my diagnosis2017-01-05T20:27:00-08:00

Update – Jan 3, 2017


“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streamsin the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 My beautiful friend shared this verse

Update – Jan 3, 20172017-01-03T23:57:00-08:00
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