Update March 23, 2017


It’s becoming harder to write.  My head is fuzzier and stringing thoughts together takes more concentration than I would like.  But you can be certain that I still have so much to say! And so, I

Update March 23, 20172017-03-23T19:25:00-07:00

The Beautiful Ugly


The beautiful UglyBehold the beauty around you.Do not let it pass you on byAs you            Flutter around franticAs youFretAs you            GrieveAs you mess up. And again mess up. And can’t seem to get it right.Lift

The Beautiful Ugly2017-03-23T19:16:00-07:00


Life the last couple weeks has been full of snot, puke, and diarrhea....And chemo.  It was rotten. Putrid rottenness that I didn't know how we'd get through. But let me tell you, as we're turning

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