It has been a long while since I’ve provided a basic update of how I am doing.
Chemo Round 3 is complete (on Easter Monday)! This means I am halfway through my chemo. My chemo was delayed one week this last round due to low platelets. In round 2 they increased my dose 30%; but put it back down for round 3 and going forward. The lower dose seems to prevent my mind from feeling so fuzzy that I can’t think clearly, so I am certainly ok with the lower dose. AND I don’t want any future delays as that will push my chemo treatments further into summer (originally last chemo was scheduled July 3, now will be July 10) as vacation starts July 16!!!
The 2 weeks preceding this last round I felt really fantastic. I’ve formulated a plan to play soccer in fall and am (slowly) working to get there and it seems feasible!
I greatly appreciate the HUGE outpouring of support through the meal/helping hands train my friend set up. I was feeling really good since my chemo was delayed; but this allowed me to really focus on being fully well – body, mind, and spirit, as well as to simply enjoy family time without fretting over dinner. And I didn’t feel anxious about our nanny being away that week. Thank you so much, I feel so hugely blessed!!!! And on that note, here’s a HUGE shout out of thanks, envision balloons and streamers and flowers of thanks, to my GP, Cameron Ross and all the doctors at Crossroads Family Practice. They have paid for one month of meals for my family from Elevated Meals, a local healthy meal delivery service!!! Isn’t this just the most fantastic outpouring of health-giving support? Thank you docs for caring about all facets of my health, I am blessed to be your patient!
As I mentioned in a previous post my last MRI showed a small enhancement. What this means is questionable and only my next scan (at the end of May) will tell us more. But as my oncologist says, the MRI only tells you part of the story, the other part is how I am feeling – and overall, I am feeling great!
My Aunt has been praying that Garrett “sleep in” — you know past 5:30 AM . This is a huge piece in our family’s life. For the most part my wake-ups are being pushed back to 6AM and usually a couple times a week a bit later! Keep praying for sleep for this family! Oh, what a difference sleep makes! As I seek out soulful rest, pray that there would also be physical rest in our house this spring as we round out of cough and cold season.
Dear Cheryl, I am struck by your sense of gratitude towards your life and how you remember to notice the little things. Studies show that positive people like you have a better outcome in these kinds of circumstances. I hope your ability to rest improves soon. Thanks for sharing your journey.
Kacey @ Glendale MRI