
September 9 Gratitude

<<Sept 9 Gratitude>> The soothing rhythm of September routine..I thrive with routine. While I'm trying to embrace the blessings that pressing into uncertainty can offer,

September 8 Gratitude

<<Sept 8 Gratitude>> Happy Family Time.A couple short years ago, when I was going through radiation and chemo and processing a devastating diagnosis, weekends used

September Gratitudes

<<September Gratitude>> September is very likely my favorite month for many reasons that are bursting inside of me.  I have a precious friend willing to


<Home.> As I journey "home" I find again what thrills my soul..This picture is my charmingly beautiful hometown creek in Southern Saskatchewan. I snapped this shot

Embrace life’s detours

<Twin Moments> Aren't these 2 the cutest?! Come on A&W, do you need some models?.Twin parenting hasn't been that easy.  It was downright insane for


It felt so odd this morning to be planning my oncologist visit amidst regular errands and the ever long "to-do" list. It's the dance between

MRI Day!

Okay so not the best picture of me, but I suppose that's part of the point as I invite you more intimately into my journey

Blackberries and my Spiritual Awakening

Blackberries!!!!  I had a wonderful time with my kids by the River Park here in beautiful Chilliwack BC, complete with a blackberry picking stroll.  This

What Makes you feel fully Alive?

I picked up "Befriending the Stranger" by Jean Vanier in the thrift store the other day. I almost didn't buy it, one more thing to

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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