
Update and vacation pics

It feels like its been a long time since I’ve just been here writing an “update”.  I miss this place.  I love to write.  It’s

Sentimental Momma

Oh This Car...It's a funny thing to be so attached to a thing because of the sweet memories it reminds me of. I was never

Christmas Letter 2018

Merry Christmas 2018 and a Happy New Year!Photo Credit: Vicky Falk(More pics to come at some point)2018 has been an up and down year marked

Here comes Heaven

After the twins were born my body felt battered.  It was difficult for my body to house those babes for 8.5 months then birth them. 

Brain Injury Awareness

I am on a journey to greater self-awareness. My cancer diagnosis shook this loose as I read that some of my personality traits could be

Advent Letter 2018

Advent finds me.  She finds me weeping and wondering, broken and whole, hurting and healed all co-mingling in the mystery that is Jesus.Is this Christmas


I am a recovering overachiever.  Being an overachiever is praised in our society.  I thrived in the praise I received for academic achievements.  I hold

Who I really am

(Savouring a moment of fall beauty this morning!  It is so good to live in Chilliwack where fall extends into November!)DisclaimerI feel I need to

Birthday Celebration

Birthdays. Today is my birthday.  I am 37 years old.  Today I’ve been celebrated so well.  I feel loved, I feel special, I feel irreplaceable

I am a Survivor

I was asked on Instagram how I was able to “beat the disease” in reference to a post stating being a 2-year glioblastoma survivor.  I

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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