

Update: My symptoms have subsided (I feel 'normal') and I just spoke with my oncologists nurse. My oncologist is NOT alarmed by this flashing vision. Next MRI as scheduled, mid November. We'll prayfully await those




PRAYER NEEDED. I have just had vision flashing like I did preop. This isn't good.  Please rally your prayers

PRAYER NEEDED2017-10-26T17:56:00-07:00

My Vegas Vacation


   Ryan and I are in Las Vegas celebrating our (belated) 15 year anniversary and my 1 year survivor anniversary.  We flew in Monday (Oct 2/17).    I awoke Monday morning and had a message

My Vegas Vacation2017-10-04T18:45:00-07:00

Cancer and waterslides


I've decided I need to rip a page out of my daughter's playbook. With no lead-in tonight at bedtime she asked, "what do they do if a kid gets cancer?" In our house we know

Cancer and waterslides2017-09-23T04:48:00-07:00

Remembering to remember


We want comfort.  We idolize easy street and when we hit bumps in the road all we want is to get back to the smooth.  But I've come to see: life is a  a collection

Remembering to remember2017-09-22T04:21:00-07:00

Tribute to Grandma Rostek


(Ryan's 96 year old Grandma Rostek passed away this week.  This is the tribute I wrote for her memorial:) Proverbs 31:28 “Her children stand and bless her.”Grandparents are very special to me and you Grandma, were

Tribute to Grandma Rostek2017-09-17T05:06:00-07:00

Good MRI results


Google photos reminded me of these photos from one year ago today.  It seems surreal that we had no idea what the next 4 weeks would reveal.Today I am thankful that my MRI last week

Good MRI results2017-09-06T17:41:00-07:00

MRI today


Please pray for me as I have my MRI today and await results next week. I feel peaceful going into my scan, but historically it's been a battle against anxiety as I await results.Thank you!

MRI today2017-08-31T16:42:00-07:00

My Summer Vacation 2017!!!


Blessing upon blessing.  That is how I sum up this summer vacation.  Launching this trip felt huge.  Huge in the “Wow, this is a crazy (and I just might go crazy) monstrous undertaking!”  I honestly

My Summer Vacation 2017!!!2017-08-24T21:18:00-07:00
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