
My Summer Vacation 2017!!!

Blessing upon blessing.  That is how I sum up this summer vacation.  Launching this trip felt huge.  Huge in the “Wow, this is a crazy

Mortality and Moonlight

Let me be quite frank with you: I'm dying.  But, you know what? So are you.I am 35 years old and live with a diagnosis

Fearfully and wonderfully made

With a thankful heart and an able body I stepped onto the soccer field again today! Similarly, going waterskiing on vacation felt profoundly good. Over


Such an incredible trip we're on. Oh how we are so blessed with amazing friends and family. We Love you all so much and feel

My daily bread for today

Psalm 138Though I walk in the midst of trouble,    you preserve my life.You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes;    with your right hand you save me.8 The Lord will

The Other Side of Brave

I want to leave you with an explanation and update before I go into a bit of a blogging silence.  The explanation:It takes me hours

Happy Father’s Day

Today, for Father's Day, I Honor my father and my children's father. Dad, Ryan you deserve every celebration and every encouragement in your honor for

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Card of Thanks……..Part 2

Okay folks, this post’s choppy.  It’s like a list. It’s bits and pieces. It’s real-life gratitude and a presentation of beautiful humanity.When I first sat

Update May 24, 2017

Most of my health status remains unchanged and my energy is slowly and seemingly continually, improving. My vision is stable, slightly wonky but unchanged as

A Call to Prayer

The first few months after my diagnosis I didn’t quite know how to deal with the idea of requesting prayer for healing and what to

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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