Come close and listen
It is time for me to press into being a writer. This scares me. It's unknown terrain and it means (at least for a season)
Ingratitude runs through me right now and w when I finally stop to pause I am appalled at myself. Be kind to yourself, I remind
New and old beginnings
New and old beginnings ❤️ Yesterday was a day to celebrate a new beginning (the day started with packing up to move from our condo into
The longest I’ve ever been away from my kids and I went to….Winnipeg??!! Oh ya! And it was all kinds of wonderful! I’ve been looking forward to
Run with perseverance
We don't get to choose our race, but we do get to choose how we will run it. As for me, I will run with
Having stage 4 cancer
I read this article that my friend who has cancer posted. It resonated so much with me I had to repost it Read it here .My
I found this flower growing in the sidewalk absolutely striking. Rayna and I happened upon it on our way to school ❤️. Thought this image
Happy Mothers Day
Today is Mothers Day and my heart is a bouquet of gratitude. Here are glimpses of that bouquet.(My mom and I at Chilliwack Lake last
Grow in grace
I've been learning alot about dandelions over the past few years. I've also been (slowly) learning about grace over the past few months. Isn't grace
Nothing is Impossible
I’ve been meaning to post this since I got good MRI results 2 weeks ago, yay!; however, finally getting to it right before Easter seems
Today feels like summer in Chilliwack BC!!! Last week it was unusually snowy, this week is unusually summery. Nothing like sunshine to brighten the day
Joy Is
Here in the Fraser Valley, BC it is extremely late for a snowfall in March. It is unusual and yet beautifully delightful for the poet